Request for proposals: Videography and photography services for Thrive by Five 2024

The Thrive by Five Index 2024 data collection team will be visiting preschools and homes in 432 neighbourhoods around South Africa between August and November 2024.  The Index team wishes to capture photographic and video records of the Index development and child assessment/data collection process; as well as to produce short videos explaining the Index […]

Update on Thrive by Five 2024 Data Collection

Preparations for the Thrive by Five Index 2024 data collection are well underway. Over 220 enumerators and child assessors are being trained during July and August to undertake the second round of South Africa’s largest survey of preschool child development. Data collection takes place from September to November this year.  The 2024 Index will assess […]

WATCH: Thrive by Five Launch Event

Watch the full video recording of the launch of the Thrive by Five Index on 8 April 2022, in Johannesburg through the embedded player below. The event includes a keynote address by the South African Minister of Basic Education Hon. Angie Motshekga, as well as addresses by First National Bank (FNB) CEO Jacques Celliers and the United States Consul […]